If you have any questions or concerns in relation to Alcazar Energy’s assets, its people or its companies and wish to contact us in confidence, please refer to our Complaint Management Platform.
As a sustainable infrastructure fund focused on renewable energy, we enable access to reliable and clean sources of energy in the countries where we invest and contribute to climate change mitigation and the fight against global warming. In addition, we recognise that for our investments to be truly sustainable they must be delivered and managed ‘responsibly’
Our long-term focused investment approach systematically integrates sound environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations, from deal origination to exit strategies. We effectively embed ESG management into our investment analysis, decision-making, active ownership and management of our assets. Our approach is underpinned by our Responsible Investment Policy.
By proactively integrating ESG factors into our strategy and our culture, we are acting in the best interest of, not only our investors, but also the broader interests of society as a whole, generating lasting positive impact on the environment.
Our commitment to sustainability has been one of the cornerstones of our investment strategy since Alcazar Energy was founded in 2014
Policy Commitments
We are committed to promoting world-class standards in environmental protection, social engagement, health and safety and business integrity across all our investments. Our policies represent the foundation of such commitment to undertake our activities with a duty of care to the environment, our employees, our partners, our investors, and the communities in which we operate.
We manage the environmental, social and health and safety aspects of our activities in a manner consistent with the IFC Performance Standards for Environmental & Social Sustainability, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ILO Fundamental Conventions, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Our Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) has been developed in line with those standards, principles and guidelines as well as the E&S frameworks of our trusted investors and lenders.
We regard our ESMS as a robust and proven tool that allows us not only to minimise risks and liabilities but to enable us to operate ‘sustainably”; that is in a safe, environmentally conscious, responsible, and ethical manner. To that end, our sustainability strategy focuses on four main pillars: Human Capital Development, Environmental Stewardship, Social Responsibility and Strong Governance.
Human Capital Development
We empower our employees to succeed in a safe, diverse, and inclusive workplace where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We promote fair and equal opportunities in respect of employment, development, and promotion practices. We respect and fulfil the protection of labour rights and the respect to internationally proclaimed human rights and implement best practice measures to ensure fair and ethical working practices in the development, construction, and operation of our assets
Environmental Stewardship
We recognise that the protection of the environment and conservation of biodiversity must go hand in hand with the objectives of climate change mitigation. We support a precautionary approach to environmental impact and associated risks. We ensure adequate due diligence and best practice mitigation and controls across our assets: from optimizing cleaning strategies for the minimization of water usage of our solar PV plants to implementing tailored protocols for the monitoring of birds and the selective shutdown of wind turbines
Social Responsibility
We give adequate consideration to stakeholder engagement and public participation from the early stages of development onwards. We catalyse opportunities for training, capacity building and employment. We contribute to local value creation through a range of social development and investment initiatives, tailored to the needs of the communities in which we operate, including women’s empowerment, local skills development, and sustainable-energy related initiatives .
Strong Governance
Alcazar Energy understands that strong corporate governance is key to maintaining investor confidence, stakeholder trust and to provide a solid overarching structure for decision making. We use simple but comprehensive tools to ensure Alcazar Energy operates in a responsible, ethical and safe manner with high standards of reporting, monitoring, and control.
Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct defines our core values and principles, outlines our responsibilities to operate with the highest levels of integrity and clearly sets out the standards we expect of ourselves.
Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct can be accessed here.
Code of Ethics and Business Conduct for Business Partners
Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners ssets out the standards of behaviour and practice that all our Business Partners are expected to follow. This Code of Conduct is one of the measures Alcazar Energy has adopted to ensure that our Business are aligned with our principles, values and standards, and to encourage responsible and sustainable practices across our value chain.
Our Code Conduct for Business Partners can be accessed here.
Whistleblowing Mechanism
We believe that compliance with our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is the responsibility of every employee. As such, we promote a culture where everyone feels comfortable to raise any compliance concerns or any possible violations to this Code.
Our Whistleblower Policy can be accessed here, where the use of our whistleblower reporting platform is also explained.
Complaint Management Mechanism
Our complaint management mechanism provides a platform to receive and address any concerns about environmental and social issues, or performance of our renewable energy assets from stakeholders, whenever those may arise. The complaint management platform also encompasses a tool for Alcazar Energy employees to raise any concerns as well as the whistleblowing reporting line.
Our complaint management platform can be accessed here.
SFDR Disclosures
For disclosures regarding the promotion of environmental, social, and governance characteristics, and of sustainable investments, please refer to our Alternative Investments Fund Manager website: SFDR Disclosures (
Industry Engagement
The Principles for Responsible Investment is an international global network of asset managers, owners and service providers working together to put responsible investment into practice.
The six Principles for Responsible Investment, which are voluntary, aim to provide a framework for integrating environmental, social and corporate governance considerations into investment decision-making and ownership practices. In signing the UN-supported PRI, we publicly commit to adopting and implementing the six Principles, where consistent with our fiduciary responsibilities, as well as to report on our responsible investment activities annually.
The Global Impact Investing Network (“GIIN”) is a leading global platform and non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting collective investor action to increase the scale of positive, measurable social and environmental impact.
Our membership signifies our support towards the development of the impact investing industry and our commitment to contributing to the membership community, learning more about the tools and resources defining the impact investing industry, and to using this information to deepen our own practice and engagement with, or understanding of, the industry.
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) was formed by the Financial Stability Board to promote more transparent reporting of climate risks and opportunities by organisations so that investors could better understand the climate risks they may face and enabling them to take informed capital-allocation decisions. The TCFD recommendations, released in 2017, are focused around four core areas: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.
By becoming a supporter to the TCFD, we commit to work towards the implementation of the TCFD recommendations. We shall disclose how we identify, assess and manage climate risks and opportunities in the context of our operations: from physical risks arising from climate change to opportunities unfolding through the transition to a low-carbon economy.
The UN Global Compact is a strategic and voluntary initiative designed to encourage businesses to set in motion changes to their operations so that the Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption become part of strategy, culture and day-to-day practices.
We became a Participant to the UNGC in March 2019 to represent our commitment to implementing and monitoring the Ten Principles. As Participants we also periodically communicate to our stakeholders on our efforts, initiatives, and progress in support of the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our first Communication on Progress for 2019 & 2020 was published in 2021.
SolarPower Europe is a member-led association acting as a link between policymakers in the European Union and the solar PV value chain. SolarPower Europe’s vision is to lead its members to make solar the core of sustainable, secure and inclusive energy system in order to reach climate neutrality in the EU well before 2050. SolarPower Europe also brings solar organisations to advance the solar PV industry in Europe and beyond.
By becoming members to the SolarPower Europe and through its workstreams, we aim to engage with decision makers to shape the regulatory and business environment of emerging markets, to support the solar PV industry’s efforts to define a common approach to sustainability and supply chain transparency whilst promoting enhanced ESG performance and to share best industry practices.
Following the successful exit of AEP-I, Alcazar Energy renewed its commitment towards the UNGC in 2022. Through our investments in AEP-II, we continue to recognise our responsibility to help address some of the sustainable development global challenges. We meaningfully contribute to sustainable development, primarily through generating clean energy and building on climate action. Additionally, we remain committed to deliver on a range of environmental, social and governance benefits: from ensuring decent work and promoting gender equality to through to supporting education and capacity building.
Case Studies
Below some of our case studies from AEP-I, demonstrating our capabilities and commitment to enabling social, environmental, and economic prosperity in the countries in which we operate.